Ne, nechtel jsem aby tohle byl jeden z tech blogu tyou jeden clanek za dva mesice, ale ono to je tady fakt strasne narocny najit si cas, a to mi jeste nezacali kurzy plachteni a dneska mam od sedmi vecer druhou hodinu herectvi (ony to jsou spise trojhodiny). Teprve potom to bude mazec. Takze slibuji, ze budu psat co nejcasteji, ale ty clanky budou spise typu co jsem ten den delal a podobne. Coz je pro nekoho dobre - muzete tak videt, jak vypada muj normalni den. a kdyz budu mit cas, napisu clanek na nejake konkretni tema.
Dneska jsem pri Writing Lab mel napsat, co si zatim myslim o Americe. Prekroutilo se to spis ale v takovou uvahu, osobni. Here you go:
I have always wanted to live in the
United States. It’s been my dream for the past few years. In the beginning, I
was mostly influenced by those Hollywood movies with happy families, sunny days
and people living idyllic lives. As time went by, I started to realize that
life in America is not like the movies and with that I was leaving the Czech
Republic. To be honest, I don’t know what I was expecting. However, what I know
now for sure, after living here for almost a month, is this is not it. I am not
disappointed though.
When I went to Italy or France, I
wasn’t expecting anything. Yes, I was looking forward to finally seeing those
famous countries, but it hadn’t been my top dream to go there. However, when I
returned home, I was enchanted with thinking about what I experienced there. I
was enchanted with the nature, people, food and lifestyles. I wanted to go back
as soon as possible and live there. This is not what I feel about the United
States now. If I ask myself this question about U.S., the only reason I’d like
to come back is the permanent good mood
of people. The important fact, however, is that the feeling I had about
Italy or France is probably linked to nostalgia I experienced after coming home
from every trip. It means (and I am almost certain of it) that once I’m back at
home after 10 months of living with Americans and almost becoming one of them,
I will want to come back and I will miss everything.
As I think about it, I probably
still have this movie idea of American life. And as I think about it more, I am
starting to realize that maybe this is really it.
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